What is it?
Dandruff is a prevalent skin issue that mainly impacts the scalp, generating white particles of dead skin that shed from the scalp and collect on the shoulders. Dandruff frequently comes along with an itching sensation that can range from mild to fairly bothersome. Various factors contribute to dandruff such as dry skin, sensitivity to hair care products, inadequate shampooing and a yeast-like microorganism known as malassezia.
Dandruff primarily affects adults and is more prevalent in men. Despite its common occurrence, it can cause discomfort and embarrassment to those suffering from it. Although dandruff is not a result of poor hygiene, its visibility might increase if hair is not regularly cleansed.
How is it treated?
Our dermatologists in Dublin, Grove City, and Springfield, Ohio can pinpoint the exact cause of your dandruff with a thorough scalp examination and additional tests, if needed. Depending on the underlying cause and intensity, our team may recommend medicated shampoos, creams or lotions. For persistent cases, prescription-strength shampoos or steroid lotions might be advised. Through regular follow-up appointments, your dermatologist can monitor your progress and modify treatment as necessary for effective management of the condition.