At Buckeye Dermatology, we frequently deal with acne, one of the most prevalent skin conditions. When dead skin cells, bacteria, or excess oil block the skin, it results in red, inflamed bumps or pus-filled lesions on the skin. These blemishes, which can vary from mild to severe, typically occur on the face, neck, chest, and back. Factors such as hormonal shifts, genetics, or certain medications can trigger acne.
How is it treated?
Acne may not be a life-threatening issue, but it can have a negative impact on your confidence. Our providers offer a variety of treatment methods, both medical and aesthetic, to address your unique needs – ranging from prescribed topicals, over-the-counter solutions, oral medications, laser therapy and microdermabrasion. Through these treatments, our providers are committed to helping you achieve clearer skin and prevent future outbreaks.
Our highly skilled, physician-led teams in Springfield, Grove City, and Dublin, Ohio will identify your specific type of acne and prescribe a personalized treatment plan.